Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reading Is So Fundamental!

Reading is so fundamental!  Many times, we take for granted that kids at a certain age should be good readers and no longer need our assistance.  Many times, this is true.  But, there are some kids that actually still slip through the cracks, especially our under-served and at-risk youth in lower income areas.  We assume that they can read and don't rely so much on helping them in that area.  We look at math, english, science, history.  Although these too are extremely important academic subjects, the root of the problem of failure and/or poor grades can sometimes be the mere fact that the child doesn't know how to read very well or alarmingly, at all!  I challenge each of you today, to sit with a child, even a kid of elementary, Jr. High or even high school level and read with them.  Have them actually read out loud to you.

This problem can often be detected and worked through when the child is very young.  The younger the detection, the better.  Please read with a child today and help where needed.  It makes you feel so good to give back.